eCymru Launches to Connect the Housing Community in Wales

eCymru, a housing portal created through a collaborative effort between various partners and tenants, has officially launched its platform on St. David’s Day. eCymru is designed to be the bridge to events, engagement, and e-learning for tenants, with the goal of helping them live happier and healthier lives.

The COVID-19 pandemic sparked a collaboration across Wales to bring tenants a new digital experience. The platform has hosted successful webinars from Digital Communities Wales, covering topics such as shopping safely and saving money, digital health and wellbeing, and a live performance by the Barry Male Voice Choir. To ensure the project’s success, they have conducted several live events to gather feedback from tenants. One tenant recently shared, “I appreciated the informal atmosphere of the event, which allowed me to ask questions without any pressure. It was a fantastic introduction to the digital world for someone like me who is new to it.”

eCymru has also partnered with The Open University to offer a range of free online courses in arts and crafts, education, fitness, and health. The development and testing of eCymru was done alongside tenants, powered by the knowledge, skills, and experiences of individuals from across Wales, to ensure the platform meets the diverse needs of the communities it serves.

“Hafod is excited to be part of the eCymru pilot as we explore how we can expand our digital offering to our customers,” says Michelle McGregor, Customer Engagement Coordinator from Hafod Housing Association. Scott Tandy, Digital Inclusion Officer from Newydd Housing Association, adds, “It has been an amazing experience working with tenants and Registered Social Landlords from across Wales on eCymru. We hope eCymru will allow our tenants to develop new and rekindle their love of old skills and hobbies.”

The long-term aim of the eCymru project is to foster collaboration and improve tenant wellbeing. The project team invites all Registered Social Landlords in Wales to join them in their effort to raise awareness of online events and courses and work towards a brighter future for tenants.

For more information, please contact Scott Tandy:

Title: Digital Inclusion Officer



For more information about eCymru, please visit their website: eCymru – events for the community

Lansio eCymru i gysylltu cymunedau tai Cymru

Mae eCymru, porth i denantiaid a grewyd mewn cydweithrediad rhwng gwahanol bartneriaid a thenantiaid, wedi’i lansio’n swyddogol ar Ddydd Gŵyl Dewi. Dyluniwyd eCymru i fod yn borth i ddigwyddiadau a chyfleoedd ymgysylltu a dysgu’n electronig i denantiaid, gyda’r nod o’u cynorthwyo i fyw bywydau hapusach ac iachach.

Gwnaeth pandemig COVID-19 ysgogi cydweithredu ar draws Cymru i gynnig profiad digidol newydd i denantiaid. Mae’r porth wedi cynnal nifer o weminarau llwyddiannus dan arweiniad Cymunedau Digidol Cymru, ar bynciau fel siopa’n ddiogel ac arbed arian, iechyd a llesiant digidol a chafwyd perfformiad byw gan Gôr Meibion y Barri. Cynhaliwyd nifer o ddigwyddiadau byw i gasglu adborth gan denantiaid, er mwyn sicrhau y bydd y prosiect yn llwyddianus. Dywedodd un tenant yn ddiweddar, “Fe wnes i werthfawrogi natur anffurfiol y digwyddiad, a oedd yn gwneud i mi deimlo’n gyffyrddus i ofyn gwestiynau heb deimlo o dan bwysau. Roedd yn gyflwyniad gwych i’r byd digidol i rywun fel fi sy’n newydd i’r maes hwn.”

Mae eCymru wedi llunio partneriaeth â’r Brifysgol Agored i gynnig ystod o gyrsiau ar-lein am ddim ym meysydd celf a chrefft, addysg, ffitrwydd ac iechyd. Datblygwyd a phrofwyd eCymru ar y cyd rhwng tenantiaid ac unigolion gan rannu gwybodaeth, sgiliau a phrofiadau pobl o bob rhan o Gymru, i sicrhau bod y porth yn bodloni anghenion amrywiol y cymunedau mae’n eu gwasanaethu.

“Mae Hafod yn gyffrous i fod yn rhan o gynllun peilot eCymru wrth i ni ymchwilio i sut y medrwn ehangu ein cynnig digidol i’n cwsmeriaid,” meddai Michelle McGregor, Cydlynydd Ymgysylltu â Chwsmeriaid Cymdeithas Tai Hafod. Ychwanegodd Scott Tandy, Swyddog Cynhwysiant Digidol Cymdeithas Tai Newydd, “Bu’n brofiad rhagorol gweithio gyda thenantiaid a Landlordiaid Cymdeithasol Cofrestredig i ddatblygu eCymru. Gobeithiwn y bydd eCymru yn caniatáu i’n tenantiaid ddatblygu sgiliau a diddordebau newydd ac ailysgogi eu hangerdd at sgiliau a diddordebau blaenorol.”

Nod tymor hir prosiect eCymru yw meithrin cydweithredu a gwella llesiant tenantiaid. Mae tîm y prosiect yn gwahodd yr holl Landlordiaid Cymdeithasol Cofrestredig yng Nghymru i ymuno â nhw yn yr ymdrech i gynyddu ymwybyddiaeth am y digwyddiadau a’r cyrsiau ar-lein a gynigir a gweithio tuag at ddyfodol disgleiriach i denantiaid.

Cysylltwch â Scott Tandy am ragor o wybodaeth, os gwelwch yn dda:

Teitl: Swyddog Cynhwysiant Digidol


Rhif ffôn:

Edrychwch ar wefan eCymru: eCymru – digwyddiadau i’r gymuned