Following the results of the tenant election on 24 August 2023, we are pleased to announce the election of Gemma Badham as tenant board member for the 2023 – 2026 period.

Gemma re-joins the Board as a tenant board member. Originally elected by tenants in 2021, Gemma contributed her enthusiasm and experience to the Board. Her input has provided valuable insight into tenant perspectives and fed into improving our services to increase customer satisfaction.

On hearing the result, Gemma said, “It’s an honour to be re-elected by Tai Calon tenants. I feel lucky and excited to continue serving communities in Blaenau Gwent. I look forward to hitting the ground running with the experience I’ve gained.”

Board Chair, Professor Sir Adrian Webb, added, “We’re delighted to welcome Gemma back to the Tai Calon team for her second term. Gemma has been a dedicated and engaging member of the Board whose contribution has enabled the Board to make decisions based on the experience of our tenants and communities. Thanks to tenants like Gemma, we can understand what matters to our communities and guide the organisation to make the difference our tenants and customers want.”

Gemma’s appointment was formally ratified at the AGM (Annual General Meeting) on 18 September 2023. The AGM is open to all tenants who are shared members of the Association. If you want to become a share member, please get in touch with Emma Assender, Governance Manager, at, tel: 01495 294816.