Imagine having something in your home that keeps you warm and healthy. That’s what NexGen is all about! Let us tell you how this technology works and why it’s so awesome.
What is NexGen?
NexGen is an “Electric Wallpaper” that makes your home super cosy. It’s like having a warm hug from your house! Here’s what makes NexGen unique:
Super Safe: NexGen is safe because it doesn’t get too hot and won’t hurt you.
Solar Power: It can be powered using solar power, which means it helps save energy and money!
How the ‘Heated Wallpaper’ Works: NexGen uses unique tech to keep you warm. It has a layer that gets warm using materials like carbon and copper.

Benefits of NexGen
Warm-Up: With NexGen, your room gets warm super quickly. It’s like getting a warm, toasty feeling in just a few minutes, and your whole room gets comfy in no time.
Smart Control: You can control NexGen with an app or buttons. You get to choose when and where you want the warm magic. And when it’s not needed, it turns off to save energy.
Goodbye Damp & Mold: NexGen helps keep your home dry and cosy, even in hard-to-heat places.
Damp and Mold
NexGen can sense if there’s too much moisture in your home. It stops damp and mould from showing up.
Health Benefits
NexGen doesn’t just keep you warm; it also helps you stay healthy.
No More Allergies: It doesn’t blow around dust and stuff that makes you sneeze. So you can breathe easier and feel better!
Therapeutic Benefits: The health industry uses infrared in various treatment plans to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, boost the immune system, and improve blood circulation.
NexGen Installation – As Easy as Decorating
Putting up NexGen is just like decorating your room. It’s so easy, and you won’t even notice it’s there, but you’ll feel the magic!
What other people think of NexGem:
Here’s what Oktagon Property had to say about NexGen:
“It’s like magic! It’s warm and comfy, just like a summer evening. It’s easy to put up, doesn’t cost much, and is helping our planet. This is the future of keeping warm!”
Where to Learn More
You can watch videos and read more about NexGen on these websites:
“Farewell Radiators? Testing out Electric Infrared Wallpaper” – BBC News
“Could Electric Wallpaper Heat Our Homes?” – Octopus Energy
With NexGen, you can keep warm, stay healthy, and save the Earth. It’s like having a magical friend in your home!